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Old 10-11-2014, 10:59 AM   #24
I love it when a plan comes together.
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REYHANLI, Turkey — The U.S.-led air war in Syria has gotten off to a rocky start, with even the Syrian rebel groups closest to the United States turning against it, U.S. ally Turkey refusing to contribute and the plight of a beleaguered Kurdish town exposing the limitations of the strategy.

Yes, it's a crying shame Obama blundered into drawing a line in the sand for Assad. Then to save face he had to negotiate a back door deal to not lead a prosecution effort against Assad for crimes against humanity in exchange for Assad turning over most of his chemical weapons. Everyone knew he was going to keep some by obfuscating searches for them, a strategy that worked well for Hussein and his alleged WMD until we put boots on the ground. Assad is only turning in previously withheld WMD now because he's afraid ISIS will get them. With Obama is in bed with Assad, the Syrian rebels we could have trained to combat ISIS are becoming disaffected. They want Assad out as much as they want ISIS out; but, Obama won't use air power against his bedfellow Assad even though he'll use it against ISIS ... IN SYRIA!

The Turks have become disenchanted with Obama for the same reason and withdrawn their support. In Iraq the Kurds are losing ground because Obama failed to unite regional indigenous boots on the ground on the Syrian front to draw ISIS away from Kurdish held territory.

All this stemming from Obama's refusal to send even humanitarian support to the Syrian people early in their struggle because he was worried about his popularity polls if his actions even hinted at the possibility of future military engagement on another front. Instead of holding regional leaders responsible, Obama has repeatedly demonstrated that he's willing to plea bargain their failures and offenses away as long as he gets something in return that makes him look good on the domestic front. But then what can you expect from him - HE'S A LAWYER.

Too many Americans are brainwashed by liberal propaganda that because Obama got elected as an underdog that he must walk on water, that everything he does must be genius, that any failures MUST be attributable to someone else; unless of course, they can spin those failures into some modicum of success (as in every cloud has a silver lining). THEN they'll give Obama and only Obama full credit for it. Once even otherwise intelligent people succumb to HERO WORSHIP their minds become skewed, as if they were on drugs, and everything they say becomes suspect.
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