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Old 10-09-2014, 11:39 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by crweeks64 View Post
Some say the same about Obama as to why twice. Clearly he seems smart enough to be President. I think his issue is a failure to lead or act decisively.
A bad and indecisive leader will justify 'big dic' actions for the most ridiculous reasons. Inventing wars cause lesser educated Americans to support such weak leaders. Only great leaders, for example, would keep us out of Libya, get us out of Afghanistan when even our Generals wanted another tens years of deployment, stopped destruction of so many world treaties (ie nuclear non-proliferation treaty), did everything necessary to avert what should have been (and without any doubt) another Great Depression, repatriate so many innocent prisoners in Guantanamo, acted successfully and with proper responses to Egypt, stopped the destructive American manned space program for the Ares, Orion, and Constellation, and actually executed a very dangerous mission to get bin Laden. Let's not forget how many times George Jr refused to get bin Laden especially in Tora Bora because he had a 'big dic' mentality and no balls. George Jr was the classic example of indecisive - until he finally stood up to Cheney in his last year.

To say Obama has been indecisive is propaganda from wacko extremists such as Limbaugh. At what event was he indecisive? Any asshole like Limbaugh will get credibility by making cheapshots. Because so many of us believe a cheapshot artist rather than a logical presentation. So many will believe an insult rather than ask for hard and supporting facts. Wackos are easily identified. They smear rather than say why with perspective - the numbers. Fact time. Where is this indecision that Limbaugh et al invented and so many then believe?

Superior leader - ie Roosevelt - were great because they stayed out of war until then necessary events justified it. Great leaders show restraint as Truman did with MacAurthur. Great leaders did as Kennedy showed repeatedly during the Cuban Missile Crisis by, for example, pulling his blockade closer to Cuba to give Khrushchev time to conceded. He even demonstrated restraint by rejecting war recommendations from all his advisers. Restraint we now know resulted in all of us living today.

In each case, mentally deficient cheap shot artists attacked that leader as indecisive. Restraint always looks indecisive to many educated by propaganda. Exactly where was he indecisive. Post every example with reasons why that is indecision.
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