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Old 10-08-2014, 10:24 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by crweeks64 View Post
I think xoxoxoBruce raised an interesting point when he queried (paraphrasing) why would anyone of quality bother to run? Some of the other responses raised military experience or real world experience as prerequisites.
History contradicts many assumptions. Maybe half the good leaders had no background or experience to suggest same. Truman entered office without any reason to believe he could lead. Kennedy entered office with a Senate history that implied a terrible leader.

History also demonstrates another fact. Nobody should be considered until after the Iowa caucuses and Super Bowl. Since many if not most who are nominated remain mostly unknown before then. Chances are the great leaders will remain unknown to most until after February 2015. Any discussion about presidential material before then is mostly wasted speculation.

One final point. Facts (such as his 1999 auto-biography "A Charge to Keep ") made bluntly obvious that George Jr was be a terrible leader. His is almost unreadable. Why did America elect him president - twice? The question begs another. What are people using for facts to identify a 'good' leader?
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