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Old 10-04-2014, 08:59 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by crweeks64 View Post
Isn't the bigger problem a President who is reticent to do anything which might appear to be said to be Anti-Islam?
Problem is an America so militarized (with veins now hanging from teeth) and so uneducated (due to Limbaugh style rhetoric) as to even justify Pearl Harboring of other nations.

Three fundamental rules justify war. Best we do (did) is let things get nasty for two incompetent leaders (Karzai and Maliki) so that reality finally replaced their bubblized perspectives. Same applies to every nation in that region. By literally making Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, and Jordan fear, most (but not Israel) have suddenly decided they must take responsibility for their region. Legislatures in Turkey and Jordan have actually decided to be responsible or address their imprudent emotions. Egypt and some Gulf states have responded by acting more responsible.

George Jr supporters would now have us fully in combat in Korea, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Thank god our government is no longer lead by Cheney style extremists with big dics and no grasp. Same people even said Gestapo style torture, Guantanamo, and extraordinary rendition is good.

Fools justify attacking religious extremists using rhetoric that once massacred so many Americans wastefully in Vietnam. "Either we fight them there or fight them here." Nonsense.

Time for them to take responsibility for themselves. America is not the world's policeman. But we are respected, intelligent, and admired when we use power with discretion. A philosophy that clearly did not exist between 2000 and 2008.

We have deployed limited support functions to the few we have promised. Support functions are not 'boots on the ground'. Foolish to deploy combat troops when three conditions necessary for war obviously do not exist.
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