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Old 10-04-2014, 06:16 PM   #5
Fresh Incumbent
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania
Posts: 28
Obama is stepping into a fiasco

I don't think anyone believes you can fight terrorism from the air. (Although that drone thing has seemed to be somewhat effective) Isn't the problem that the Country is faced with fighting an ideology being employed by a group of people that don't value all human life? As long as there are militant human beings to indoctrinate with this agenda the fight will continue ad infinitum. Isn't the bigger problem a President who is reticent to do anything which might appear to be said to be Anti-Islam? However a peace loving person is a peace loving person no matter the faith. My take, ISIS is a group of marauders not Islamists or any other legitimate faith.
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