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Old 09-30-2014, 10:28 PM   #7
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At this point, reasons for not deploying should be completely obvious. Did we not learn from Mission Accomplished, the Balkans, Desert Storm, Haiti, and Vietnam?

Middle East is first and foremost a problem that Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, and the Gulf States should be addressing. They - not the US - should have defined what is necessary and implement resulting plans. Otherwise we have another reduction in US living standards because extremists again want America to be the world's policemen.

Instead, Turkey and Saudi Arabia complain that America has not come to fix things. That - their attitude - should have resulted in massive condemnation by America's extremists. Instead, they attacked Obama since self serving political cheapshots are more important than America (Remember: Rush Limbaugh said we want America to fail).

Amazing how many extremists still want America to become a world's policemen - as if it does not harm American living standards. As if 'big dic' justifications rather than informed intelligence justifies a war.

And yes, even a responsible Israel should be working with those other nations to address THEIR problem. Unfortunately Israel is also dominated by brainwashed extremists who see enemies everywhere and have no interest in long term solutions.

I don't understand why this must be repeated for the upteenth time. What is required before going to war? glatt defined one critically important requirement.

1) A smoking gun must exist.
2) A strategic objective must be clearly defined.
3) An exit strategy defined by that strategic objective must be defined.

If any one does not exist, then no American troops should be deployed. Anyone who learned from history - especially Mission Accomplished - should know that automatically.

Some greatest victories exist because American troops were not deployed for combat. Balkans and Haiti are two classic examples that extremists routinely forget. Because no 'big dic' battles were necessary to have stunning victories.

This ISIS situation must get worse so that the 'powers that be' (regional nations) get off their masturbating asses, stop complaining that the US is not coming to their defense, spend massively in America for arms, send us their troops (with cash) for training, and start taking responsibility for their own regions.

We are finally doing what is necessary. Doing what "Project for a New American Century" was incapable of understanding. While providing support to nations we have obligations to support (ie airpower for Iraq). Our tremendously right headed action even got the stupid Afghanistan leadership to admit how ignorant they have been.

Hopefully Karzai et al will finally admit blunt lectures by Holbrook were spot on when it defined that leadership as naive and self destructive.

George Jr selected Maliki as his chosen Iraqi leader despite Americans in Iraq who said otherwise. So George Jr spent one or two hours every day teaching politics to Maliki. Nobody expected Iraq's Army to self destruct this fast. Nobody realized that Maliki was even more incompetent than what George Jr was told. Now that Iraq now longer has that leader, hopefully Iraq will recover and take back their nation. But again, best is to let the 'powers that be' fix this problem. Or suffer consequences because they expect diminished American living standards to save their asses.
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