Thread: Quiz Time
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Old 09-17-2014, 03:42 PM   #6
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I got 4. Hahhahahaaa! Of course the alcohol one. That was easy, because overturning prohibition holds a special place in my heart...from a past life. The other one I got was the one about public education not being mentioned in the constitution. I picked that because in both my past jobs we were mandated to do something to recognize Constitution Day. Because public education was considered a state level issue by our founding fathers, it only stands to reason that institutions receiving any sort of federal funding be mandated by the federal government to have some sort of programming for C-Day.

The law establishing the present holiday was created in 2004 with the passage of an amendment by Senator Robert Byrd to the Omnibus spending bill of 2004.[4] Before this law was enacted, the holiday was known as "Citizenship Day". In addition to renaming the holiday "Constitution Day and Citizenship Day," the act mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions, and all federal agencies, provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day.[5] In May 2005, the United States Department of Education announced the enactment of this law and that it would apply to any school receiving federal funds of any kind.[3] This holiday is not observed by granting time off work for federal employees.

It's the law, and it's ironical. I think in my previous previous job we hung up posters. In my previous job we were silo'd right out of any responsibility for it: they had high level executives who were responsible for hanging up posters, maybe a blurb on the campus wide info-TVs.
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