Thread: Demon Static
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Old 08-26-2014, 02:27 AM   #13
Person Who Has Posted
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 2
I really hate to bump this post, but I need to prove that I am a person before starting a thread. Since this is the thread that brought me to this site, I'll go ahead and say what needs to be said here to bring light to this dark place.

1.) I am not the person whose mugshot was posted in this forum.
2.) I am that person's brother and soon to be (hopefully) legal guardian.
3.) Please remove the mugshot and the geo-identifier, it won't be necessary any longer to protect your community's credibility.
4.) Please accept my apology on behalf of my brother. What was witnessed in this thread was rightly determined to be fueled by psychosis.
5.) My brother has a long trail all over the internet that I have been following for a couple of months now after this recent episode.
6.) I will be more than happy to go in to the details and explain what is going on here if anyone has connected with him. Just know that he has always had family around looking out for him, he has been looked after for nearly 15 years now, and sometimes he does go off the deep end and these different characters come out. For me its normal, but for the viewing public it is really freaky.
7.) THANK YOU for accepting my brother and not immediately banning him and casting him off. I see he has tons of postings here, and the guy just really wants friends. I've been working on hooking him up with a support group online of others that suffers his mental health concerns in hopes that he can get instruction in a venue that may be not so publicly facing where his rants and nasty words will be easily understood by outsiders as coming from a state of psychosis.

Thanks folks, it's the internet, crazy place. Don't get your feelings hurt too bad

Last edited by JBKlydeNeedsHelp; 08-26-2014 at 03:08 AM.
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