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Old 08-17-2014, 06:39 AM   #62
Pump my ride!
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Deep countryside of Surrey , England
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Incredible, absolutely incredible, the nature of some of the commentary on this topic. Some of you need to reflect a little on your thoughts before you post. OK, this is an emotive subject, but the suggestion that a people who have no passports and who are blockaded into an ever narrowing strip of land should leave or die is ludicrous. So is the idea that any form of nuclear solution is either conceivable or justifiable.

It takes a very small amount of internet searching to see what the latest Israeli incursion is doing. Wiping out tunnels? So there are tunnels under farms are there, as farms and orchards have been been decimated through Israeli bombing? The economy and fundamental infrastructure that supports nearly 2 million people herded into an ever decreasing and already small area of land is being is being systematically destroyed - homes, utilities, services, everything.

If we had to rely purely Israeli reporting to reach our conclusions I could maybe possibly understand the severity of some of the comments being made. But the web gives us the opportunity to view from many sides. Not everything that comes from another source is propaganda. We are given too many reports to draw that conclusion. Western governments commenting that the situation is 'unacceptable' do nothing to convince the people of Gaza, and obviously Hamas, that we care - certainly not when this is backed up by million dollar and ongoing military support for Israel.

No innocent person deserves to die - this should be the fundamental driver behind anything the West decides to do to help resolve a situation that it is abundantly clear the two factions directly involved cannot. Take this as your foundation and then ensure that everything else you do observes this overriding instruction.
Always sufficient hills - never sufficient gears

Last edited by Cyclefrance; 08-17-2014 at 06:46 AM.
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