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Old 07-21-2014, 01:49 PM   #500
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486
I wish I could figure out what makes my son tick.

He was diagnosed with Asperger's about 6 months ago...add to that he's ADHD and has some bipolar issues. We currently have a running battle about not eating in the living room...he can get pretty messy and leaves his trash lying around, so we banned him from eating up here.

He'll do okay for a few days, then he does it again. And he gets grounded...he was confined to his bedroom with no electronics all day yesterday. So what did he do this morning? Did it again. How do I know? Because he left the fucking plate up here!

I love him dearly, but he is such a horrible liar...and he always leave a trail of evidence. He likes to have his "me" time in the morning, but I might have to start getting up with him. His carelessness has caused us to have roaches and mice.

Did I mention that I can't wait for him to go back to school? 2 more weeks.
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