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Old 07-12-2014, 03:33 AM   #155
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Originally Posted by Carruthers View Post
I trust that you've been discharged and not just sent home for the weekend?
No, I'm home for good (I hope) although I have to go back for an Outpatient stay which may involve an overnighter.
Originally Posted by fargon View Post
Are you home? If so how is Diz Kitty?
Haven't got Diz back yet. Am going to call them this morning. So weird not to have him about, I'm so used to being careful when and where I move/ put things down/ eat.

So, at some point between being in the assessment room and being on the ward I had a visit from the Doctor. Important Doctor if his age and girth were anything to go by. We talked through my medical history (again disputed) and my serious concerns about my abandoned cat at home. He pooh-poohed this and assured me they would arrange a taxi back for me the next day to sort out Diz and collect fresh clothes/ toiletries etc.

Next day, same Doctor who came in with Sister. I mentioned it again and things suddenly got both frosty and sheepish. Ahem, well. Seems like his cavalier reply was perhaps contradicted by hospital policy/ my bloods/ general good advice. Errrr, no. No visit home for me. They would send the hospital social worker round to see me and see what we could sort out.


From then until he arrived I fretted every second.
It's the sort of thing that can easily fall between the information cracks, and my baby-boy would be abandoned for who knows how long. Insupportable, I would rather check myself out.

Luckily, a very nice chap came to talk to me. All very much no problem, no problem, I can sort this. And he did. And offered help coping with my circumstances after I was released, which I will accept.

So, back to food. Little else to take photos of at that point after all.
Triple breakfast.
Drip at 05.30.
Yummies at 07.30.
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