Thread: *shaking head*
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Old 07-04-2014, 08:34 AM   #9
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
Posts: 31,423
There is one metric that they never ever ever study in such studies and that metric is, where are the fucking cures coming from? Because that is kind of important.

In the last 30 years, there have been 68 Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

US 38.5
UK 9.5
Germany 5.5
Australia 3.5
France 3
Japan 2
Switz 2
Italy 1
Denmark 1
Sweden 1
S. Africa 1
Argentina .5
Canada .5

The level of socialization in a system doesn't seem to matter much. The UK is clearly punching above its weight. Single-payer Canada, socialized Sweden, big underachievers. Moneyed Japan, huge underachiever. But it's clear, without the US system, 57% of the discoveries since 1945 do not happen, and the rest of the world continues to die in their systems that have not benefitted from advancements and discoveries.

~ You're welcome ~

I also feel that our metrics would be a lot better without a permanently unhealthy underclass who eat shitty, go around shooting each other, generally hate doctors, have terrible hygiene, etc. I suppose every nation suffers from that to a degree. But when it comes to longevity our ghetto males and steady trickle of Mexicans have a life expectancy of around 65, and it isn't actually due to lack of doctorin' so much as lack of maintenance. If you don't do oil changes expect your car to die.
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