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Old 07-03-2014, 06:15 PM   #12
Goon Squad Leader
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Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
No recipe for how much turpentine to add to make it explosive. I suppose I'll have to do the stoichiometry myself, then?
If you insist on going BOOM, stick with the propane, *something* will eventually work. But the chlorine does have the advantage of NOT blowing up your house, and working continuously down, down, downward. You can get an almighty-motherfuckload of chlorine fumes from a tablet of chlorine used to disinfect swimming pools. I nearly killed myself fucking around with that shit. I was intent on bleaching a colored shirt to whiteness. I broke up a good chunk of one of those hockey-puck-sized tablets in the bathtub with water, knocking it around and briskly rubbing the shirt in the little bit of water. And then, all of a sudden like, I couldn't breathe. I mean, maybe the muscles were working, but just pumping the poison around with vigor proportional to my rapidly escalating panic. I staggered outside and lay in the junipers, gasping. It took a few hyperventilated trips back into the house to open ALL windows and doors and turn on every fan I own. It seemed like a very long time before the air was breathable again, much longer than it took to just drain the tub.

There's no doubt that such an event in the burrow would render it unlivable, driving them out to be shot if they didn't die underground.
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