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Old 07-01-2014, 04:05 AM   #589
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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Ha! That was good fun. The checklist wasn't necessary - I managed to remember what it was I was supposed to ask / look for etc. The only difficulty is remembering in detail what i said, how they answered and so on - as wel as specifically what we looked at (full description of all products shown).

Great thing about dept stores: they have toilets :P So, after 1st dept, went into loos and quickly wrote up a few bits and bobs - number of peple in store, number of staff, physical description of staff etc.

Paywise - it's alright - £21 for this job. I was in the store for about 90 mins, and spent about 40 mins going through forms afterwards, and the phone call I'm waiting for to give my verbal report will take about 30 mins. I also spent about 20 mins in advance reading through all questions and getting clear in my head what i was doing - i suspect that will take less time on subsequent jobs. All in around 3 hours, so £7 per hour for this one.

But - as I say, I reckon it won't take as long to initial task read through and form filling on later jobs - so hopefully that will go up to £8 or £9 per hour.

It was great fun though. Felt a slight twinge of guilt when they were being so lovely. Very impressed with the staff at the cosmetics dept. I am the world's least make-uppy woman. I just have zero interest in cosmetics - I do occasinally put a bit of lippy and mascara on, but rarely, and I just buy cheap stuff because I really don't value it.

Yet: if I'd have had money in the bank yesterday, I'd have come out of that store with foundation (£28), moisturiser(£40) lipstick (£22), bronzer (£33) and a brush (£22) - and I am still thinking I might, when I eventually have cash to spend again, go back there and get the stuff, because it's awesome.

And they are awesome. I basically ended up with a free makeover - full works, went home feeling a million dollars :p
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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