Thread: Weird News
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Old 05-09-2014, 09:12 PM   #2669
I love it when a plan comes together.
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Fashionably late?

Deadly Chemicals in Extremist Hands? Fears Grow in Syria.

Extremist Syrian rebels may have taken over an airport where 16 containers of chemical components that could be used make the nerve agent Sarin and Mustard Gas are being stored, according to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

The armed groups had surrounded the base close to Damascus are "the more extreme kind," Sigrid Kaag, the head of the mission responsible for disposing Syria's chemical weapons arsenal told The Associated Press on Thursday. "Global jihad has come to Syria." ...

... Syria's government has missed several deadlines to ship out the toxins - the last of which was April 27 - and has said the site referred to by Kaag is difficult to reach because of the fighting.
Well I hope this is an exaggeration. All it takes is one chemical weapon attack in a major Western metropolitan area and it's 9/11 all over again. It's fundamentally an all or nothing proposition for the corner the President painted us into with his red line for Syria. We're not going to intervene militarily to save the Syrian people, just politically to save ourselves from the proliferation of chemical weapons. If we don't get it all, what's the point?
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