Thread: The Ride Home
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Old 04-26-2014, 09:09 PM   #1
Complex Simpleton
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Truth or Consequences, NM
Posts: 18
Talking The Ride Home

Sherry, myself (Jake), and Vikki all used to work at a hotel/casino in Reno, Nevada called the Colonial Hotel and Casino. We were all servers, except for me who was a bartender/server. Anyway, Sherry used to drive Vikki and David home, and David is Vikki's "slow" or more husband. David didn't talk much on the way home, needless to say. So there was this one time when I was in the car at about 11:30 pm driving towards to Sparks, NV. David and Vikki always sat in the backseat and Sherry driving, while I sat in the passenger seat. One time, David says to Vikki, "Vikki, I have to stop and go #2." Vikki replies to David, "just wait until we get home." Sherry off the cuff says, "oh' no Vikki, it's alright, I'll stop, so it can go." Sherry referred to David as "it." Vikki took David into the TA truckstop to do his business. I said to Sherry while David and Vikki were in the truckstop, "what was so urgent about stopping for them, just drive their asses home." Sherry says to me, "Jake hun, the last time that this same incident happened, I gave David the benefit of the doubt and he went through his pants and I was scurbbing sh** off the car seat at one o' clock in the morning." LOL:sick So Sherry elaborated that David stunk up the whole car about a week earlier and the mess went through his pants and she had to scrub car seats in the wee hours of the morning.

I have many more stories like this that I would love to share, some are so so much better than this one.
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