Thread: Cellar Dreamin'
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Old 04-12-2014, 02:53 PM   #209
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Last night I met Dani in Southend (English seaside resort).
I worried at various points during the dream because it looked just like Great Yarmouth. Well of course it did, becauses my dreaming mind drew on years of memories of Gt Yarmouth as opposed to one holiday in Southend.

I arrived by train and Dani came by bike.
We went to look for the hotel - I had a letter confirming my booking but it didn't have a full address for it. We went back into the station and a man in uniform shouted at us for taking our discs off. He threatened us that we wouldn't be able to join the travel group if we didn't have them on. Now I knew we were not in an off-limits part of the station, and it was his mistake to identify us a recalcitrant part of a group, but I deliberately said nothing, because why should I?

I felt bad when I got outside though. Dani showed me where he'd poked her hands, and she had a sore on the back of each one. She said if she touched it I'd be able to see it bubbling under the skin. I had to look away.

Anyway, she had her Nana with her.
And I had Diz.

Bruce wandered up as Dana sank down on her haunches and started crying wearily.
He told her to pull herself together but she said she was so worried about her Nana, who was so old and had travelled such a long way and we (meaning me) didn't even know where we were going.

Bruce said that was part of both growing up and growing old and get used to it.

I phoned home, hoping to get Mum to do a google search on the hotel for me, as it seemed to have a G2 postcode [Glasgow] but got a recorded message from her friend Breda [deceased] about how they were preparing for a Noel Coward Appreciation Brunch and couldn't come to the phone.

Dream ended with us getting into a taxi the size of a little double decker bus; like the ones you get on roundabouts, but adult sized. He said the reason there was an E postcode - as it was now - was because it was closer to Eastbourne than Southend. He was heading North-East, but would take us to our hotel on the way back. Six adults (somehow) bags and a bike for £15 and £5 for the cat.

I know where the most important aspects of that dream come from.
Going to bed worried, dreaming stressful and waking up to worry isn't great though.
I spit on people who say dreams are a filter and help us deal with reality.

Well, not deliberately. I only ever spit by accident, and it's really embarrassing.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac

Last edited by Sundae; 04-12-2014 at 03:00 PM.
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