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Old 04-04-2014, 01:37 PM   #1578
infinite monkey
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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I don't want to wait until October to find out how badass Rick gets! Screwing with the wrong people indeed!

I agree about the kids. Good actors, all. I loved going back to the beginning to see how much Carl has grown since then.

The sisters, do you mean Lizzie and Mika (the two little girls?) Or you might mean Maggie and Beth. Of course, Maggie is an adult and Beth is almost 18. Good characters, all. Re: Lizzie and Mika...Carol had to make the hard decision, as you well know, and in that new frontier I think she did what she had to do.

eta: Lizzie losing it at Carol about her 'friend' was great acting.

You're right on about the female characters. They're not whining and hiding behind a man. Well, Lori sort of did...but.... Though I'd hide behind Rick or Daryl any day of the week! I didn't know I'd end up loving Daryl...he is just so awesome, then I started looking around on line and saw that loving Daryl is a 'thing.' So much so there is a t-shirt available that reads: If Daryl dies, we riot!

Last edited by infinite monkey; 04-04-2014 at 01:46 PM.
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