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Old 03-31-2014, 04:53 PM   #109
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 767
The switching that I referred to is not related to sexuality but to gender presentation.

To wit, a boy could "feel like a girl" on any given day and expect to use the girls' room, then switch back to "feeling like a boy" the next day. We do not, as a rule, feel one way then the other. The rule is "persistant feelings". We know who and what we are, usually from an early age. That argument is bein advanced by persons fearful that they or the ones they care for might be assaulted by a transperson in the restroom. I speak here strictly of MtFs as no one really thinks that an FtM might assault some guy in the boys' room.

Our sexuality. Hmmm. Well, it's different for each of us so I can only speeak to my own.

It's hard to define since I am basically neutered right now chemically anyway so my usual method of turning on is gone. I'm relearning to do it the girl way. Unfortunately, there is an appalling lack of men upon whom to practice my feminine wiles, not to mention explore sex and social interactions.

I might sum it up the way tw did. I consider myself bi atm, subject to change.
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