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Old 03-29-2004, 11:21 PM   #7
dripping with ignorance
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Grand Forks ND
Posts: 642
Slightly warped from the humid South American climate the table didn’t exactly sit level on the hard wood floor. One leg hung 2 inches off the ground and the half full class of ice cold lemonade threatened to slide off and spill its sticky contents on the floor.

Still the table was an incredible piece of furniture. Each leg was hand carved, brilliantly done by the craftsman in the shapes of each of the four gods of the local tribe. Each was incredibly detailed; every detail was included, from the snake curled around Kaines body to Nala’s scar on her tiny misshapen nose. The top appeared to be crafted from a single tree. Measuring 14 inches by 4 ˝ feet and six inches deep it was a little worn but still in remarkable shape. How it has warped should have roused someone’s curiosity. Lucky for me no one had realized how odd it was for such a large piece of wood to warp as much as this one had.

I only needed to see one thing to confirm what I had come here for. Above one of the legs was the Mayan word for Library. Trying not to let my excitement show I began my examination. When I got to the third leg I found it, putting every ounce of restraint toward not jumping up and cheering I made sure I examined the entire table. Getting up I turned to my host. “I’ll take it,” I said. “How much do you want for it”

“I was told by my employer not to sell it for less than $300”

“I’ll give you $325 if you promise not to let anyone else look at it until I pick it up.”

“I can manage that,” he replied, “how many days until you can pick it up.”

Thinking quickly about how long it would take to organize the appropriate transportation and a press conference the moment I touch down in Vienna. Normally two weeks would be required for such a magnificent discovery, but not this time. That’s why I only held up three fingers.
After the seventh beer I generally try and stay away from the keyboard, I apologize for what happens when I fail.
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