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Old 02-12-2014, 01:50 PM   #94
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally Posted by Pamela View Post
Old news. I've seen her at the meetings but I am not allowed to say anything.
Not allowed or just don't comment out of respect for her privacy?

Do you still drive semi-truck? How is that working out for you? If you are still driving, what's the biggest change in your routine?

I can't remember if you were pro ccw or not. Pro gun IIRC. Do you carry a piece now? Not a bad idea now days will all these <sarcasm> simpleton right wing Limbaugh/Hannity hate crazies running around.</sarcasm>

Oh, here's another one. Are you more likely to vote Dem now? That sounds funny but I'm curious. I would guess that you're MUCH more likely to lean Dem.

How do you think of your previous life? There must be memories that you still think back on fondly. Or not? All of your experiences could not have been uncomfortable through the years (hopefully not ).

Do you ever get mad and call people fucking assholes? Out loud? When they deserve it.

Do you think about getting married? Do you think about having kids or adopting them? How might you be a better parent than a traditional mother? What might your weakness be in your opinion in raising kids?

Is it easier for you to cry now? Are there specific things that make you cry now that did not previously? During the past year, there have been many times that I'd like to cry just to release but have been unable to. The more intensely sad or difficult that life gets the more detached I become.

I'll try to think of more questions because you're right, this is a great opportunity to ask almost any question and get your honest answer here. Many of the questions are sensitive here so thanks in advance for the answers you choose to give.
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