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Old 02-04-2014, 11:58 AM   #34
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally Posted by glatt View Post
What could you do differently to close a sale like this? Your product was apparently there.
The client was allegedly promised exposure via jumbo tron at the Super Bowl. Not the main but the secondaries.

What is that sort of time worth at the Super Bowl?

There was really no way that I could compete with that. On the other hand, would someone believe that they would get any time at all for a few thousand bucks during the Super Bowl? Seems silly to expect so.

What could I have done differently to get the project? It was not possible in this case IMO.

People in the loop ( middlemen or salesmen ) that were able to see what was proposed might have me submit another quote. That could turn into a win.

Those same people also know that I'm at least capable enough to deliver something as described. The formal quote was also a positive too.

Maybe next time? It's possible.

Knowing the prices of the other quotes was helpful too. There is money is this. It may not be flowing to ME yet but there is money in this.
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