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Old 02-04-2014, 09:43 AM   #31
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Here's a little clip with a story.

This is a short video of a logo spinning that I created as a proposal for a potential customer.

It doesn't have a lot of flash but it's the general idea of what he wanted. This was a basic version that I'd jazz up with better textures and lighting once it was accepted. A formal quote was signed and sent. I know that the client had two other quotes for exactly this same work. The higher of the two was double the price of what I quoted.

Today I hear that the client did actually like what I prepared for him as a start point for the project but that he gave the contract to someone else for more than double my price in hopes of getting some extra exposure for the Super Bowl that was included in the deal.

Client paid the cash...never received anything. Not the finished logo and not the exposure at the Super Bowl.

After this job went cold I thought that it wasn't good enough. That turns out NOT to be the case. It's not Pixar quality but the client was happy with it as a start point.

So here it is. Not looking all that difficult but could not be completed on time by someone else at over twice the price that I was charging.

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