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Old 03-26-2004, 06:10 PM   #28
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: New England
Posts: 104
Morrowind=greatest RPG

I love pretty much everything about this game. Granted, the game is not newbie friendly at all and it should never be the first RPG you play but it has great appeal once you understand it.

Morrowind is designed as an open ended games. Just like in a real-life adventure you don't neccessarily have all the clues and talking to people is your only chance.

The game also has a great deal of uncertainty. The huge world is filled with everything from easy enemies in caves when your far along in the game, to near immpossible enemies close to the begginning. A lot of people are annoyed by such unpredictability but I look at at like a true adventure. Add completely customizable character creation and you've got the great game that is Morrowind.

But a game doesn't have to be as advanced as Morrowind to be fun. I used to play a game on the Sega Genesis called Streets of Rage that is a good example of this. You went from one level to the next beating up everyone you saw. Made for great mindless entertainment.
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