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Old 03-25-2004, 01:35 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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I had a slow day at work a few years ago, and read Sphere that day. Oh my. What a terrible book. You're right about the ending. It's kind of like those bad TV episodes where the main character is having a horrible day and at the end you find out it was only a dream. A weasel way out for a writer. It's a fast read though. Not difficult at all. Kind of like Steven King.

Dune was my favorite book for a while in my youth. I was able to get through the first sequel, but couldn't stomach the rest. They were pretty lame. Admittedly, I only tried to read the third one, and never bothered with the rest.

The book that sticks out in my mind was one I read not too long ago: The Tremor of Forgery by Patricia Highsmith. It's a critically aclaimed book, but it was horrible. She can write well, and is able to build suspense, but she just leaves you there in suspense, and never really resolves it. She's a tease. You get a feeling of uneasyness as you are reading the book, and keep expecting something very bad to happen, but nothing does. Then the book is over. I read it on my wife's recommendation. She loved it, and kept asking my how I liked it as I was going along. Maybe that added to my dissapointment.
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