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Old 03-25-2004, 12:54 PM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Originally posted by vsp
Well, he does bring up a good point, in that the President seems to believe that good and evil are simple, easily definable, black-or-white absolutes. (Which is something that I consider to be extremely dangerous in a person, much less a guy with the keys to the nuclear football.)
I'm not a big fan of W's intellectual capacity (helloo.. helloo.. helloo...anybody here but I think his approach to the three members of the so-called axis of evil (Iraq, Iran, North Korea) seem crafted to suit the country in question as opposed to the one-size-fits-all approach that one might assume he would use based on your characterization. He invaded Iraq, we have clandestine meetings with Iran in Sweeden and we have above-board and direct talks with North Korea. And we wouldn't invade Iran or NK in a thousand years under any pretext (real or imaginary).

I'm not really disagreeing with your main point as much as its implications. And do you really worry about W pushing the nuke-U-ler button? I don't.
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