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Old 12-13-2013, 04:53 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Alluvial
It used to be that we could disagree and yet have a normal conversation. It's not that way any more.
Do you mean that he is berating you, or aggressively pushing his beliefs at every opportunity? Or is it that you simply find them so repulsive that you can't be around him even when the conversation is about other things?

If he's truly being verbally abusive or deliberately antagonizing you, I can see the need to get away. But if you just really, really hate his beliefs, I think you are the one being unreasonable. One of the lessons I have repeatedly taught to my own children is that you don't talk about politics or religion in polite company. It's just not productive. All civil people ought to be able to ignore such disagreements for the sake of family.

But like I said, if he's the one who keeps bringing it up, that's a different issue. I'd bring it up with his wife or other relatives before cutting all ties, though, to see if maybe he doesn't understand how off-putting his behavior is, and give him a chance to behave more tolerably.
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