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Old 12-13-2013, 03:20 PM   #8
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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I must point out that I **really, really** like how you phrased your opening post, footfootfoot. When you describe the situation, then state your opinion, *then* ask, "what do you think?", I freakin love that. It is honest, neutral (*), open and engaging. I really do love that kind of conversational partner.

(*) "Neutral". Many times, I hear the same kind of setup, but then the ending has a mean hook. This is very commonly done in political conversations (on both sides) like I hear from the local Fox-?? radio station. Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, et al, they do all the same kind of setup, including the (sometimes) justifiable (p)outrage, but end it with "why do you hate america?" kind of hook.

It is not an invitation to a dialog, it's just telling, opinionmaking. "Think THIS way." I hate it. I listen to it to understand what's going on on that side of the spectrum, but it's not a serious attempt to communicate anymore than any other marketing campaign.

You are different(**), and for that I'm happy.

(**) this statement brought to you by the understatement of the year department.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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