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Old 12-11-2013, 12:54 PM   #11
To shreds, you say?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: in the house and on the street-how many, many feet we meet!
Posts: 18,449
I was just as much of an asshole driver when I had 4 cylinders as I am now. Maybe more so. Being stuck behind someone, unable to pass for 45 minutes because they wouldn't pull over and my 4 cylinder car unable to over take them and get back into my lane led to me taking risks so I didn't have to get stuck like that again. I also got one of the two tickets I've gotten in my life for unsafe passing because I couldn't get back into my lane before the stripes changed.

My mileage is usually 26mpg, but I have a sticky caliper and haven't had a chance to fix it so my mpg has dropped to about 20. It's taking about 100 miles of travel from a tank of gas. (about $20 bucks - I need to fix that asap)

I admit to being impatient when I am going to an appointment, I can be perfectly chill otherwise. Still, slow driving, e.g., 40 in a 55 frosts me. Especially when the driver is blissfully unaware of other cars and is marveling at the local splendor.
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