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Old 12-05-2013, 06:10 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
1.) My sense of humor is an absurd mix of highest-high-brow and lowest-low-brow. An obscure literary reference by David Mitchell is enough to dampen my undergarments, yet I also think Tosh.0 is one of the funniest fucking things on television. But a solid, family-friendly joke, which by all logical rights should be funny to me? Meh.

2.) You know Ross Ulbricht, the guy who made an estimated $80 million off his Silk Road website, and is now in jail accused of six murders-for-hire? I found out over Thanksgiving that he's the same Ross who was a friend of my brother's in elementary school. I even have a party photo with both of us in it, circa 2001.

3.) I once tried to dart across traffic when I was way too old to know better. A motorcyclist had to swerve to miss me, and her left shoulder hit my backpack. I totally should have died that day.

4.) My mother sent me to a Jewish summer camp one year as a kid, and assumed (correctly, I guess,) that I could pass and no one would know the difference. I didn't figure it out until years later.

5.) I viscerally hate the flavor of tangerines. I do not understand people who say they taste just like oranges; they taste nothing like oranges.

6.) I am the keynote speaker at our church's annual Ladies' Christmas Brunch this weekend. It's a little weird, but they asked me, and I couldn't really turn it down.
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