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Old 12-02-2013, 08:53 PM   #26
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
So Obama decried the IRS targeting Tea Party and Conservative groups, leading up to his re-election.

He was going to get it stopped!

This is why I hate politicians. They lie worse than rugs.

Although Mr. Elliott worked for the gov't during most of these years, he's being audited all the way back to 2009, now.

Just a COINCIDENCE that he received notification from the IRS, right AFTER he went on TV to explain his severe problem with Obamacare.

Mr. Elliott has terminal cancer, but Obamacare won't allow him to get coverage - "no one with a preexisting condition will be denied coverage", is just


And it's ALL A COINCIDENCE, that he's now being audited after pointing out a serious flaw (lie), in Obamacare.

It's the modern age, our rulers don't need brown shirts or goon squads to come after you. Not at all! They can use gov't organizations like the IRS, to simply ruin you. Problem solved.

Last edited by Adak; 12-02-2013 at 09:00 PM.
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