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Old 11-29-2013, 10:26 AM   #159
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
But seriously, aside from name-calling, what would you have Reid do ?

This was from 3 1/2 years ago.

A less partisan and more up to date viewpoint, but with less information about the structure of Congress at the time.

There is a point at which reasoned opposition becomes an attempt at nullification. On one hand the Republicans complain about being weak in foreign affairs and on the other hand they attempt to weaken him domestically. They complain about his lack of accomplishments domestically.

Well, the good news is that part of that whole lack of accomplishments domestically is now being handled. It will still end up in a gerrymandered House, but there will now be actual votes on issues and voters can see where their senators stack up.

I'd love to hear what Ann Coulter is saying about this. When the Democrats used it, the partisan princess was all about how the filibuster had no Constitutional basis. Did she stay consistent or did she backpeddle her big ass?
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