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Old 11-29-2013, 09:38 AM   #250
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
But mental health?
Basically, if our country wants to be the largest industrial nation in the world with easy access to firearms, then we should also have cheap or free access to mental health.

We pay BILLIONS of dollars to protect ourselves from terrorist attacks. The fact is that we are more likely to be killed by someone 'losing it' with a gun than by a terrorist.

If junior is hearing voices and owns a few guns, I would be willing to pay extra into the system so that when his mom warns the cops there is a place for him to stay and whatever professional help and drugs he needs.

The alternative is having an unpleasant meeting with him in a school, movie theater, mall.....

If more insurance companies get involved, the costs will go down as contracts are negotiated. The reason they are high now is that not enough attention was being paid.
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