Thread: Drone attacks
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Old 11-08-2013, 04:23 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
However, many interventions (not necessarily military) have had positive tangible and intangible benefits for the US so this cannot be ignored.
George Jr eventually learned this in his last years - according to George Jr's recent comments. Learned when George Jr became more concerned for his legacy.

Cheney speaks much like the naive who 'solve' everything with overt military power - as some foolishly advocate here. Same strategy only makes things worse (ie Vietnam, Mission Accomplished). Cheney even insisted we 'Pearl Harbor' all Iranian nuclear facilities. A George Jr with changing priorities then asked everyone whether anyone agreed with Cheney. No one - not even one - raised a hand. Once George Jr questioned Cheney, then no one agreed with Cheney's wacko extremism.

Cheney is so extreme as to recently recommend (on Charlie Rose) that Israel immediately attack Iran's nuclear facilities. When everyone with intelligence knows that will create a strategic disaster for Israel. Quite obvious to most all; but not to Cheney who views a world in terms of black and white. An extremist cannot think pragmatically - like a moderate. Extremists foolishly want solutions using wasteful military deployments. Even advocate intervention in Syria.

America was roundly successful in Syria - despite extremists who still deny it. America intervened in what was clearly and only in our and the world's interest. A strategic objective was clearly defined and roundly accomplished. (Mission Accomplished had no strategic objective.) Threats without deploying military power indicate great leaders. It clearly accomplished THE best possible solution. Well beyond what most thought was possible. Even Putin is on board.

Enough must die in Syria to finally make obvious what really matters. That civil war will only end when enough pain makes obvious how dumb their extremists really are. When extremists are replaced by people who know by using education, logic, and basic intelligence rather than hate, religion, and child-like reasoning.

Only a wacko would advocate an American intervention in Syria's civil war. Wackos wanted and got the same thing in VietNam. Some never bother to learn from history. Do not even know how to close their eyes so as to censor what they fear. The informed remember Vietnam and contempt that extremists had for the American soldier (ie Mission Accomplished).

Those who never learn from history would advocate unilateral American intervention in Syria. Or Pearl Harbor attacks on Iran. Because so many replace lessons from history with perverted extremist rhetoric. Responsible leadership repeatedly solved such problems using patience and without a massive deployment.

If extremists (ie Cheney) recommend it, then suspect a 'classic' contempt for American soldiers.
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