Thread: Obamacare
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Old 11-08-2013, 10:15 AM   #153
Goon Squad Leader
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I have an Obamacare question.

I'm not working right now, though I hope I will land a job soon. Naturally, I don't have any employer-based insurance. I can imagine a situation where I'll buy insurance (for a year, the regular term for such policies) for myself via my state's exchange or through a broker or via the phone or paper or whatever, the method's not important. Anyhow, say I buy a policy. Say I subsequently get a job (HOORAY!) and part of the job compensation is employer provided/sponsored/subsidized health insurance. What then? Could I cancel my individual plan and go with what my employer is providing, saving me the direct expense of paying for my own insurance? I know that previously, certain "life events" were reasons to change a policy outside of the open enrollment period, like marriage, a new baby, divorce, etc. And naturally, changing jobs is a super-common reason people change insurance. So, I won't be changing my individuality, but I might be getting another option. Does anyone know about this? Could I cancel my individual policy if I'm getting different insurance through work?
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