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Old 03-22-2004, 10:01 PM   #6
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George Jr's love of NJ Govenors.

Gov Kean's 11 Sept (bipartisian) Commission threatened to resign - unanimously - when the George Jr administration refused to cooperate, withheld documents, and George Jr personally refused to testify. George Jr later backed down since even this president recognized he was wrong - but only after the commission's threat made the front page.

Gov Whitman was repeatedly unsupported as EPA commissioner; so many times that as a going away present, she got a toxic waste site in her home county (Hunterdon) covered by SuperFund money. A few $million shared by that site and mabye eight others. Peanuts. Under Whitman and George Jr, lead and mercury in the air really is not toxic. Its better to let coal plants release more contaminates in the air to advance the economy. Even the Supreme Court had to say that was wrong. Even the Supreme Court has more respect for that former NJ Governor - and virtually every NE state, Washington, and NYC who all had to sued the Federal government.

Gov McGrevey must deal with a major George Jr campaign contributor. Having bought Jersey Central Power and Light, the Govenor has multiple times stepped in to fix electric supply problems in that once very reliable company. Since First Energy bought Jersey Central, JC has been problem after problem, after problem. Last summer electricity in Seaside Heights failed every weekend including 4 July. 4 July is when boardwalk concessions must make their annual profits. Thanks to First Energy, it did not happen. Only the Govenor had simple engineering knowledge to install emergency generators - as First Energy balked. Jersey Central is now so unreliable that this current NJ Governor has a Public Utility Commissioner assigned only and totally to problems created by First Energy. How did First Energy solve their potential 3 Mile Island problem? A $450 million bribery fund raiser for Cheney and Bush in Akron. Screw NJ, Toledo, and the entire NorthEast electric grid. (First Energy created the entire 14 Aug Northeast blackout.) First Energy contributes instead to George Jr's bribery fund rather than to fixing their technical problems.

Screw NJ. They have bought George Jr.
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