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Old 10-17-2013, 09:35 AM   #210
henry quirk
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"Great. Right up until the part where a bunch of children actually starve for lack of food aid programmes; old people actually freeze in the coming winter because they cannot heat their homes, and a rash of small businesses are crippled by the soaring cost of borrowing."

I get it: I (and folks like 'me') are supposed to carry 'them' because they can't carry themselves.

Make me.


"You may not need that much government, but there are a fuck of a lot of people who do in fact need government."

And that’s 'their' damned problem.


"Government didn't expand because it is some hulking beast wanting more and more."

'It' expanded 'cause the mercenary wanted more (more power, more control). To that end: generations were taught (are being taught) that bigger government is better government, that governance of the minutia of living is a necessity, and that no individual can do without the 'guidance' of 'authority.

Utter horseshit.


"...the alternative to doing so would leave some people for dead"

An unsavory truth (fact): some folks need to die.

If X can't fend for him- or her-self, and X has no one who WANTS to help him or her, then X needs to go.

To demand I care for X is theft (of my time, resources, and self...fuck that noise).

That folks like you have to force folks like me is theft, Dana.

No other assessment makes sense.


"I honestly don't know what it is you expect to happen if the government were to suddenly shrink to the bone.”

First, it'll never "suddenly shrink to the bone". Like smack in the vein: it's 'needed'.

Second, if it did "suddenly shrink to the bone" I expect lots of folks to suffer...some die; some make it through (and are better for it).


"Survival of the fittest"


You write it as though it were a bad phrase.

It's not bad or good...just what 'is'.

Folks like you wanna insulate themselves from it...good luck with that.


Tell you what, Dana: if children starving and old people freezing bother you so much, devote your time, resources, and 'self' to saving them.

Why do 'I' have to participate?

Last edited by henry quirk; 10-17-2013 at 09:44 AM.
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