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Old 10-17-2013, 08:22 AM   #203
Makes some feel uncomfortable
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
Yeah, well, the debt graph is boring. It just keeps going up exponentially. The deficit graph is where the real data is, because you can see how government policy and economic factors work together to increase the debt slightly or rapidly.
The reason I point it out is because the Afghanistan and Iraq wars never showed up in the budget. They paid for through Emergency Spending Measures, not that they were emergent or unforeseen.

Originally Posted by glatt View Post
I think the only winners here are China. And we in the USA are all losers.

Question: Who Owns the U.S. National Debt?

Answer: The U.S. debt is more than $16.7 trillion. Most news headlines focus on how much the U.S. owes China. And, in fact, China is the largest foreign owner of U.S. debt. However, the biggest single owner of national debt is the Social Security Trust Fund, aka your retirement money. How does that work, and what does it mean?
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