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Old 10-11-2013, 08:23 PM   #8
a beautiful fool
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Originally Posted by John Sellers View Post
What about you, jimhelm?
What about me? I stopped using Lumberjim for a while after jinx and I split up... For several reasons. Using my real name was a way for me to focus on being accountable for the things I said.

I enjoy using different user names for humor or relevance or to suit my mood. Think of them as outfits or hairstyles.... Beards even.

I think you think that a new user name will somehow change the way you are perceived here. Are you embarrassed by the things you've posted as drax and datalyss?

We still love you, bro. We know you a little bit and it's all good. Use whichever name you feel most like using. Don't try to fool us though. Not for real. We will figure you out eventually. I'm using 'we' rather freely here. To be clear, I only speak for myself. There was no meeting, and I do not have a mouse in my pocket. Nor am I a Royal.

Anyway, take marichiko for example. She is a skilled liar, and went to extreme measures to re create herself as Sam I Am. I suspected, but could not prove her identity for more than a year, but she eventually slipped. She had changed some, and kept the tall tales in check for a good long while... But eventually her scent came through.

I'm saying, you are who you are. If you want to change how you are perceived, change what you present. Not the label on it.

I figure you feel like you don't get enough respect. I admit I do enjoy giving you wedgies. I know that you are chronologically near my age, but I think you are much younger emotionally. I understand that your life situation has created this. Mostly not your fault, but I just can't seem to make allowances for it when we interact. I don't think that would be good for you anyway. You've clearly got loving parents that provide you with a safe home and all that. They quite likely center their lives around your special needs.

But the result of the situation you are in, loving though it may be, is that you are less equipped to deal with negative reactions from others. You get angry quickly if teased. Very much like a teenager. You choose TV programs that are full of characters 25 years younger than you. These are just a couple of the strokes of the paintbrush that create my mental perception of who you are. There are other things, but I think you get the drift. It all says to me that you are stuck in a stage of emotional development due to the situation your physical disability has put you in.

I can't fault your parents for indulging you. I have not walked in their shoes at all, so please don't take any of this as judgement on them.

The main thing here is that we do accept you for who you are. Or we would, if you would share it. Tell us more about your daily. Show us some pictures of mom and dad. Be real, and so will we.

Oh, and don't stop getting mad when monster and I tease you. It's your honest reaction, and you are who you are. Plus, it's hella funny.

So that's my psychoanalysis of drax. Please, please, please don't take offense. I just spent a whole hour of my busy life thinking about you. I like you, and I want to be your friend. Feel free to return the favor, and tell me about myself. I won't get mad.
There's a Shadow just behind me. Shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. _tool
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