Thread: Say Goodnight
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Old 10-08-2013, 03:04 PM   #160
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Off early again. Nighty, night.
This is late for me, but I dossed down this afternoon.

Great thing is, Diz looooooves the morning shifts.
Snuggles in with me when I go to bed and as far as I know doesn't shift until the alarm goes off. Then he stays under the duvet for some of my leftover warmth.

He knows I'll be home soon.

Unless the little salaud has been eating something he shouldn't.
Let's put it this way. catfood does not generally have large piece of purple shiny sparkle in it. And Diz does not usually run scat-cat around the house, ending up sneaking into my bed and soiling my pillows at 04.48 when my alarm is set for 05.00.

But what can you do? I would regret it if I killed him.

NB - just realised what it was!
Shiny, purple wrapping paper is going into the wardrobe tonight.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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