Thread: shot dead in DC
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Old 10-04-2013, 07:07 PM   #20
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
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Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
Yes, yes of course, thank you for making all so doable. We argue for universal, unconditional support, elimination of poverty, and the end to all wars. Pie in the sky arguments are saving lives everyday dontcha know.
Treating mental illness as comparable to physical illness and refusing to stigmatize those who suffer from it are not pie in the sky concepts.

Crisis intervention is a stop-gap measure that does help defuse many situations, but not all. But it's the long term care that's lacking. In spite of legislation requiring insurance companies to cover mental illness, the majority of policies I've looked at in the past month offer NO coverage for 'behavioral health'. People with severe illness can't wait months for an appointment and then just see a mid-level. They will decompensate.

This is a huge problem on both sides of the border. The reality is that there's no care for the 3% of the population with psychotic disorders! and little to none for the 10-15% of mothers who suffer postpartum depression.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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