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Old 10-03-2013, 08:55 AM   #70
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
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I thought about that too, Perry. Then I thought of all the people who leave used tissues in the shopping carts and don't push the carts together in the cart corrals. It's always someone else's job. (this is a known pet peeve of can fit 8 carts in the corral if you just push them in there, and even less when the more likely action is to shove them in there and let them go all sideways. I estimate you can fit 20 or 30 carts in there when they're all mated up and even like they should be. I think these folks think they are doing the good societal thing. NOT helpful, folks. Whew. Glad I got that off my chest. )

Is Adak seriously saying that President Obama ordered the barricades, and did so to SPITE?
Good lawd in heaven. I think he thinks that posting such rot here, it will get picked up by folks who are googling and therefore his agenda will get to more of the masses. Maybe he's on Faux News' payroll?
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