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Old 10-02-2013, 01:50 PM   #115
Wearing her bitch boots
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post

No, we REALLY don't want Obamacare - really. We were sold a bunch of lies about it:

*you can keep your current plan
*you can keep your current doctor
*your premiums will be less
*Grandma will like having a pain pill instead of proper medical treatment, because she's old.

So far, only lower premiums are true, and only for those with either low income, or pre existing conditions.
When you make statements like these, it sounds like you are speaking knowledgably, for everyone. But your statements are flat out not true. I still have my current plan, I still have my current doctor and I have no idea about premiums since my policy doesn't expire for another 6 months. And for the last damn time, there are no death panels. Grandma will get the treatment she needs.
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