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Old 09-19-2013, 10:03 PM   #17
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
@Adak: You're talking out your ass. You have no idea how things go. Docs have been asking about smoking for awhile now, and people have the right not to answer. Docs can ask about your sex life - and, surprise, it's relevant more often than not - your sore ankle could turn out to be a sign that you have Reiter's Syndrome. But you don't have to reply, or you can lie, and all that will happen is that you won't be properly diagnosed and your sore ankle will turn into a permanent disability.

Do you know what I like about Obamacare (not that YOU care)? Starting January 1, 2014, insurance companies can't discriminate against people who have 'pre-existing conditions'. They can't refuse them and they can't drop them.

That means a lot to those of us who have, let's say, cancer. Being dropped by your insurance company in the middle of chemo because you have a cancer most likely due to the assault on your system by environmental toxins such as hormones in food (agribusiness), parabens (multiple personal-care products that aren't required to prove safety), and other carcinogens foisted on us daily by the corporations that espouse your ideology, and who own our pathetic government ... will really spoil your day.

You'll go from first-world problems (eek, my stock in Monsanto/Dow/Weston/Kraft just dropped a point) to third-world victories (hooray! Now that I'm not getting chemo, I'm not vomiting every hour! Am I dying? Why yes, but at least I'm not vomiting ... ) faster than you can say 'GOP'.

But of course you haven't personally experienced any life crises yet, have you, Adak? Nothing you couldn't pay for ... yet. Don't worry, it'll happen. Life, or death, will catch up to you.

Adak, please go and spend some time outside the US. Learn how people live on our planet when they aren't in that 1%. Or just spend some time in rural America, that would also do. You might learn that people have more pressing things on their minds than whether they should be offended that their doctor asks if they're sexually active.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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