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Old 09-17-2013, 03:10 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
If you click "Post Reply" you will see the box you normally type in, and above that box are a bunch of icons. Look for the little picture of a paper clip. Click on that, and then click on the "browse" button to find the image on your computer and upload it. It needs to be a small file size, like 150K or so. If it's too big, the Cellar won't accept it. You'd need to resize it with photo editing software.

If the picture is in your phone camera, you need to email the picture to yourself, and then open that email on a computer and save the attachment somewhere on your computer before you you do the steps above.

If you don't have a computer to use, and only have a phone, then you need to go to the app store and buy the tapatalk app that will let you easily post pictures from your phone.
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