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Old 08-14-2013, 07:43 AM   #3149
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I was watching the Teen Choice Awards the other night while surfing around on the Cellar or something, and somebody else had the remote. I was only giving it about a third of my attention, because it was the Teen Choice Awards, and that's really all it deserved. Imbecile after imbecile was getting up there on the stage.

But then they gave some sort of lifetime achievement award to Ashton Kutcher. They showed all these clips from his career, and it occurred to me that he had been around for a while now and has really done a lot of stuff. Much more than you would realize until you start counting it all up. And he was actually pretty talented to be doing all that stuff.

So he get up there on stage, and the first thing he does is start joking about how he's getting the old geezer award at a Teen Choice Awards ceremony. That instantly drew me in, because this was a guy who has actually got a clue about what's going on, and where he fits in.

And then he proceeded to give probably the best awards show speech I have ever heard. Lookout posted this over on FB because he thought it was great, and that made me realize that this was a speech that deserves to be seen. So here it is. Sorry for the poor video quality.

The guy could be a teacher. He tells the audience what he's going to say. Then he actually says it in some detail with great examples, and then finally, he finishes by reminding the audience what he just said.

I like this guy. And now I respect him too.
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