Thread: Philadelphia
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Old 08-03-2013, 04:45 AM   #40
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I honestly cannot remember what we spent on my wedding, but I do remember that my parents took out a £1k loan to cover their side of things, and were still paying it off when we separated. I felt horrible about that. But the more times it was mentioned the less I began to care. You can only beat your daughter up so many times... That was spent on their clothes, travel, accommodation and drinks at the bar (for the guests as well as the 'rents!)

His Mum bought the cake, which was custom made by Choccywoccydoodah.
We borrowed the money for flowers, which did not turn up due to a personal emergency/ poor communication at the florists; they actually paid us the same amount we were supposed to pay them for the flowers. And that paid back the friend we borrowed it from and gave us some spending money for the honeymoon!
And I got my dress on sale. £625. Cheapest wedding dress of anyone I knew, but the most talked about. The shop I bought it in was going into administrative receivership.

We printed our own stationery - J was an artist and I did the words and put in much time on the sticking and assembling front. My sister spent something like £500 just having her stationery printed and matching and formal. I doubt we spent more than £100 on the raw materials. Then again I can't be smug; she's still married and I'm not.

Our two big expenses were the location and the photos.
Civil ceremonies were in their infancy. I was NOT going to be married in church and I did NOT want anyone looking down their nose at me because it was "only" in a Registry office. So we went to a desanctified priory. And it was gorgeous.

And both J & I were very camera shy.
So I went to about five different photographers before settling on the one I did. Everyone else I knew just went to the one in the town centre. We went all the way to Marlow.
We had a formal set and two informal ones (one black & white and one sepia) to capture the day.
Left 99.9% of them behind when we separated, but I love the ones I still have - the ones with family in them.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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