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Old 07-23-2013, 01:23 PM   #14
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by tw View Post
I heard it on one of those wacko extremists talk radio shows. It may have been on broadcast on the shortwave bands. Don't remember. But I do remember what it was. Extremists telling their brainwashed brethren how to think and what to know.

I used to listen to early 1960s Radio Moscow. Fox News today is similar. So your guess is based in good statistical probability.

I lived the 60s. Adak claims and denials sound very much like closet racists of that era.
Right after the incident, it was a friend of Trayvon's, who was saying that Trayvon went to the store, and made it to her house, and was "sitting on the porch".

Here is the video of it, and the media that found it again, plays it slowly so you can catch it word for word.

So Martin clearly made it to his friend's home, or the friend's explanation to Trayvon's father, is a lie.

And you can stuff your racist theories. I was raised for a couple years as a child, by a black woman, who was very kind to me. Didn't grow up with this "hate races other than your own", type of attitude.

Last edited by Adak; 07-23-2013 at 01:31 PM.
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