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Old 07-19-2013, 03:19 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Indy engines get 3 mpg, are rebuilt at 1200 miles, and cost about $1M a year per car to lease.
And do something like 500 hp per liter. We know that race technologies 20 and more years ago are technologies that end up in today's cars. Racing is one source of innovation. V-8s have long been crap. What was 'state of the art' in the 1950s is no longer desirable even in race cars - where innovation is desired.

Those engines must have less displacement than any car in today's parking lots. Not because of race track rules. Because tinier engines are necessary for innovative racing machines. Why did Honda dominate in race circuits? Because Honda innovated.

Why does Detroit suffer? Because Detroit industries were dominated by rich and dumb business school grads who thought the Renaissance Center (expensive offices for the rich) would magically revive Detroit. They spent big bucks on what they understood (ie corporate jets for all executives, crappy 1960 technology engines, cost controls, private elevators so that management need not see the riff-raff in the lobby, welfare for the rich). They were so mentally naive as to ignore what was important.

Even Ross Perot who was paid $billions to leave because he was predicting destruction so long ago. The ignorant hate reality. Which even explains the Rennaissance Center.

Michael Moore defined this problem decades earlier by documenting job destruction in Flint Michigan.

Unions did not create that disaster. Bean counters playing money games (with pension funds and 0% financing) and stifling innovation created that disaster.

Detriot is another example of how business school graduates enrich themselves by destroying jobs.
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