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Old 07-18-2013, 12:22 PM   #15
Operations Operative
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: in hiding
Posts: 578
Thanks everyone!

I have applied for medicaid. I think that's what I did. Technology passed me by somewhere along the way.

The offers of help with money are very kind, but there is no way I want to do that. I won't beg borrow or steal so some CEO can keep his 5th home, the one in Tuscany. Truth be told, I could borrow the money but I refuse to. The cost is stupid, and the drug companies should be embarrassed. All the meds are now generic, so I don't care about the cost of research etc. I don't think profit (or lack thereof) is a huge problem for them. A total of 700/month? Yeah, no.

So I hope this works out. Of course I will be going back to work eventually, but I need this help while unemployed and caring for my mom. I won't serve anyone well, me included, by getting even sicker. Eventually, I would like to talk to my doctor about cutting back slowly on my meds and eventually doing without...or at least just getting back to the basic one (which is the most expensive one and the one I talked about with the horrible withdrawal.)

Thanks again. I don't like to ask for help but we all need a bit of it from time to time. Your reassurances have helped me take a step back and a deep breath, and now I can go forward again.
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